HP Laptop Fix: Boot Device Not Found: Hard Disk(3F0)

HP Laptop Fix: Boot Device Not Found: Hard Disk(3F0)


1 min read

๐Ÿ‘‹ Hello there, So you just opened up your PC and notice a blank page with the write up โ€œ Boot Device Not Found : Hard Disk(3FO) โ€œ worry not and just follow these steps to get it fixed.

Step 1


Press F10 key on your keyboard to go into Setup Utility. With your arrow keys, navigate to System Configuration and click Boot option.

Step 2


Navigate to Legacy Support and enable. Select Yes after the prompt pops up and save changes.

Step 3


Press F10 key to exit and save changes. Take note of 4 digits number being displayed on your PC as shown in the image above. It comes in this format ( #### + ENTER to complete the change). Press Enter key and you are done. You laptop will reload and you are good to go ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ™‚
